
Brentwood Photography Group president Jerry Atnip is involved with a number of interesting photo workshops this year. In August, 2014, Jerry will lead a photography trip to Costa Rica, featuring visits to a volcano, hot springs, rainforest, mangroves, coffee plantation, flora, wildlife, villages and urban life, to name a few. More information can be found at

Also, along with Nancy McCrary, Publisher of South by Southeast Photomagazine, he has recently launched South by Southeast Photoworkshops. In March, the first workshop will feature an exploration of Cumberland Island, Okefenokee Swamp and St. Mary’s, Georgia. This weeklong workshop will be led by National Geographic photographer Peter Essick, with critiques, editing and career direction given by Sylvia Plachy, famed Village Voice photographer. More information can be found at

Atnip has a 36-year career as a commercial and fine art photographer. He began as Partner and Creative Director of an ad agency in Nashville as well as Director of its’ photography department. His images have been published in 40 countries, and since 2003, he’s held over 90 exhibitions and been presented with over 100 awards. He is also an educator, workshop director, curator, juror and lecturer. He serves on the boards of several Arts & Photography organizations.

His work has been collected by museums, corporate and private collectors and he is an Exhibiting Member of The National Arts Club in New York. His first book, Gone South was published in 2011. The Guitar: An American Love Story was published in 2012 in collaboration with the Tennessee State Museum.

He has been featured in articles by Elizabeth Avedon, John Bennette, CNN Photo blogLa Journal de la PhotographieThe Photo Reviewpdn magazine, Silvershotz magazine, Photographers Forum magazine,PhotoLife magazine, South by Southeast magazine, Folly magazine, Lenscratch magazine, Nashville Arts MagazinePhoto-EyeArtNowNashville and John Wall’s Southern Photography.